
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.



Cours graphes

less than 1 minute read


Liste de liens de cours et playlist pour l’apprentissage sur des graphes

Expressivité des GNNs

23 minute read


Note de blog sur l’expressivité des modèles GNNs statiques et dynamiques

Scrapping Paper digest Highlights

1 minute read


Quick tool to scrape the latest machine learning conferences and perform keyword searches. The code returns a display of article titles and a short text describing the main contributions of the article.





Machine learning teacher for the Wagon.

Training in Machine Learning., Le Wagon, 2021

The wagon is a training organization for the IT professions. I taught machine learning, data science and python courses for different groups.

Teaching assistant for the TRIED Master.

Teaching assistant, CNAM, 2023

At the beginning of 2023 I was teaching assistant for the master in data science TRIED of CNAM. I gave practical classes on deep learning topics with the Keras framework. The website of the course with all the practical works and presentations are available at this link.